In case of emergencies please ring 999/112

How Much Does It Cost

How much does it cost?

Type of ChargesFOI Acts (Personal Records Only)*DP ActsAdministravive Access
Application feenone6.35 EuroNone
Photocopying fee**4c per page4 cent per page
Per Copy x-ray6.35 Euro6.35 Euro
CD Rom10.16 Euro10.16 Euro
Per copy floppy disk51 cent51 cent

* An application for non-personal records under the FOI Acts must be accompanied by Euro 15 application fee or Euro 10 if you are a
medical card holder.

** Photocopying charges will only be levied where there are a large number of copies requested.

For more Information

If you would like more information, or have a query on any of the above, please contact the Officer listed for your area.