In case of emergencies please ring 999/112

Intermediate Care Operative (Emergency Medical Technician)

The National Ambulance Service operates a fleet of intermediate care ambulances that serve the purpose of inter-facility transfers between hospitals as well as facilitating hospital discharges.

Intermediate Care Operative (Emergency Medical Technicians) are required who are already qualified and certified by the Pre Hospital Emergency Care Council. They are provided with driver training and induction by the NAS College post recruitment.

The Intermediate Care Operative (Emergency Medical Technician) post is designed to provide a comprehensive and dedicated Patient Transport/Intermediate Care Service within the National Ambulance Service.

Emergency Medical Technicians may be tasked occasionally to higher acuity calls. In this role, the primary purpose will be:

  • In advance of an Emergency Medical Service (EMS) resource as a First Responder Simultaneously, alongside an EMS resource as additional responders/practitioners, e.g. Cardiac Arrest
  • As the primary resource to low acuity calls not appropriate to Paramedic service provision, i.e. Omega Calls
  • In any role deemed appropriate during a Major Emergency.