In case of emergencies please ring 999/112
National Emergency Operations Centre
NASNEOC1 Notification of Home Births Procedure
NASNEOC02 Neonatal Retrieval Procedure
NASNEOC03 MICAS (Adult) Retrieval Procedure
NASNEOC04 - Paediatric Retrieval Procedure
NASNEOC05 - Activation Procedure for Clinical Decontamination Teams
NASNEOC06 - Standing Down an Emergency Ambulance
NASCC007 - External Service Providers for Non Ambulance PTS
NASCC012 - Dealing with Aggressive, Offensive or Abusive Callers
NASCC013 - Withholding Care from Individuals who are Violent or Abusive
NASCC021 - Field Feedback Report
NASCC022 - ProQa (AMPDS) Emergency Rule Applies Procedure
NASCC023 Emergency Inter Hospital Transfer (Time Critical Calls)
NAS0C025 - Use and Security of Digital Radio Terminals
NASCC031 - Accessing Telephone Interpreting Services
NASCC032 - Call Taking Address Verification Dispatch
NASCC033 - Ambulance Control Quality Assurance System
NASCC034 - ProQA (AMPDS) Non Compliance
NASCC035 - Hospital Booking for Requisitioning of Air Ambulance Service
NASCC036 - Accessing 24/7 Supervision and Management within the NEOC
NASCC037 - Social Worker (out of hours) Activation
NASCC038 - Emergency Calls From/To Other Control Centre
NASCC039 - Policy - Responding to Ambulance Calls from GP Out of Hours Service
NASCG015 - Child Protection and Welfare