In case of emergencies please ring 999/112

What We Do

The National Ambulance Service responds to over 300,000 ambulance calls each year, employs over 1,600 staff across 100 locations and has a fleet of approximately 500 vehicles.  In conjunction with its partners the National Ambulance Service transports approximately 40,000 patients via an Intermediate Care Service, co-ordinates and dispatches more than 800 aero medical/air ambulance calls, completes 600 paediatric and neonatal transfers and supports Community First Responder Schemes across the country.

The mission of the National Ambulance Service is to serve the needs of patients and the public as part of an integrated health system, through the provision of high quality, safe and patient-centred services.  This care begins immediately at the time that the emergency call is received, continues through to the safe treatment, transportation and handover of the patient to the clinical team at the receiving hospital or emergency department.